Positive Love – 5 Reasons Why Being Single On the Holidays is GREAT!

Positive Love - 5 Reasons Why Being Single On the Holidays is GREAT!

Positive Love: Top 5 reasons why being alone on the holidays is a great thing!

It’s all in the way you choose to look at it. It can be really rough to be alone during the holidays and for many people its an extremely difficult time to be alone, but when you have a positive attitude and look at the shinny bright christmas light of things, it’s really not that bad at all!  Here are our top 5 reasons you’ll be glad to be alone this year!

  1. You save money. Lots of it!

Less presents to buy for your significant other, their family and everything else that goes along with it. Gifts are expensive and even the little ones add up when you’re buying for family, friends, coworkers and even making donations.  People spend hundreds and thousands of dollars buying gifts and max out their credit cards.  Your list will be light this year and your bank account will thank you for it!  Maybe you’ll buy yourself a gift this year instead.  Go ahead, you’ve earned it!

  1. You get more time to do what you love this holiday season.

You are free to celebrate the holidays your own way. You can go out with your friends, your family time won’t be split between two homes and you will have a lot more time away from the holiday madness and to your self to relax, reflect, and snuggle up with a blanket and watch an old Christmas movie with your favorite dog or cat. If you have children, this is the perfect year to really make it special for them and to enjoy the holiday in its own special way. You can even make more time to reconnect with friends and family which is what the season is really about Fabric Origami. The quiet time you have over the holidays will let you catch up on the things you need, try new things and even participate in new activities or fun holiday events that allow you to make new friends and meet new people.

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Just because you are not “with” someone doesn’t mean you need to spend this time of year all alone. Step out of your comfort zone, participate in fun holiday events like Santa-Con or Christmas caroling, that involve meeting new people and putting yourself out there and most importantly enjoying your holiday.  You can even throw a Santa Singles party!  How many times have you spent at your dreaded in-law’s house bored to tears and wishing for your mom’s holiday dinner?   How many holidays have you missed with your own family because you’ve been traveling to someone else’s?  Not this year.  It’s all about you!

  1. No stress, fights or mess to clean up.

This can be a very stressful time of year, but when you’re single, it’s just another day!  It can cause a lot of stress and tension between couples and arguments will surly break out over who’s family you’re spending time with this year.  Headaches and heart aches while you try too hard to make everyone else happy and accommodate them, but this year you don’t have to make anyone else happy but yourself!

The best part about being alone on the holidays is you don’t have to clean up the messes you make from preparing for the holidays and you also won’t have to clean up wrappers, paper, tape, ribbon, and dishes and other messes made from Christmas morning.  Not only that you won’t have to brave the malls and stores and fight other shoppers off or stand in line for 8 hours to get your hands on the top christmas gifts.  No traffic, no crowds, no waiting.  While everyone else is overcrowded with guests they can’t get rid of you get some really great R&R!  Its going to be an aggravation free year for you!

  1. You get more time to reflect and prepare for the new year.
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2019 is just as good a time as any to refresh your life. Without being dragged around on the holidays with shopping, traveling, cooking and cleaning, you will have a lot of time to get organized and ready for the new year. Think about what you want out of life, who you are and where your life is headed. If you are proud of things, great! If not, now is the time to change them.

  1. You will have time to really reflect on the true meaning of the holiday season and to think about and give back to others.

There is nothing more rewarding next to enjoying your own amazing holiday, then really bringing true joy and kindness to the hearts of others and making their holiday something really special. You can donate your time and volunteer in organizations that collect and bring gifts and food to families in need, visit a hospital and bring toys to sick children or brighten up the lives of the elderly. So many ways to make the holiday great for yourself, but giving and being kind to others is the best way to spend your holiday. The gift of gratitude and love you’ll get in return will far surpass anything your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend or ex-husband or ex-wife could have given you.

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