How Can Users Reduce The Risk Of Online Security Breaches

How Can Users Reduce The Risk Of Online Security Breaches

Surprising surveys conducted by cybersecurity experts reveal that more than 40% of users fear getting hacked and yet remain ignorant to the frequent advice laid for avoiding online security breaches. As surprising as it may sound, but us cyber security violation ratio alongside others globally reveal a disturbing data that most users of IoT devices fall victim to malware attacks and phishing scams. Since mobile platforms have become significantly higher, cyber experts are facing a huge dilemma on how to educate and inform users that preventing security breaches is not as difficult as it appears to be. A little awareness alongside following a few effective tips can protect your devices by a huge margin.

Best Ways To Protect Your Devices From Getting Hacked

The Internet provides a lot of prospects and every business thrives on its use. Which is why maintaining cyber hygiene is the first necessity that every company and individual on the internet should worry about. Some of the best and most effective means to avoid a security breach are given below.

  1. Securing the backdoor of all IoT devices is the first schooling lesson that cyber experts suggest. Never use a default password or a weak password. Use a unique 12 characters long – or possibly as many as 20 – password and make sure that none of your devices use the same password.
  2. Install a firewall and an antivirus system that can deflate hacking attempts and warn you about the virus-laced emails and external devices – like hard disks and pen drives – so that you do not fall a victim to phishing scams.
  3. Use scanning apps like ‘Protection’, especially if you’re an individual user. Such apps give you a clear idea if your devices are (or ever have been) malware infected. You can use the information and change your password by first logging out of all active sessions.
  4. Using network segmentation technique is a wise tip for companies. When you use different networks – independent of each other – to store different bits of information instead of storing all of it in one individual network, you lay the foundation for minimizing damage if your company ever falls victim to hacking.
  5. Identifying and hiring ethical hackers by running bug-bounty programs is another way of keeping your network system free of software vulnerabilities. You can also use scanning tools to run scans on open source codes before using them to develop any software. It increases the chances that you won’t end up developing any new software with an already corrupt piece of code.
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